The Rising Cost of Afterlife: A Lesson in Business Innovation

by Jeremy Tang

Even the dead can’t escape inflation.

There’s a Chinese tradition that on the anniversary of someone passing we offer gifts in the form of paper replicas of things like cars, watches, houses and money that when burned get delivered to them in the afterlife.

I recently bought my annual “Afterlife Care Package” at the temple. Prices are up. Again. Apparently, the cost of living keeps rising even when you’re not.

Inflation isn’t just about your dollar buying less next year. It’s about life constantly pushing you down if you don’t level up.

Your “good enough” strategy? It’s rotting. Fast.

Innovation isn’t just for growth. It’s for survival.

We constantly see businesses stuck in SEO strategies staler than airport sushi. They’re recycling the same approach through different agencies, wondering why they’re in digital quicksand.

Then we step in. In 6 weeks, we start showing results and lay out a systematic path to growing SEO performance by 10X through

They’re shocked, but it’s not magic. It’s what happens when you stop staring at where the market is and start sprinting towards where it’s going.

Remember: In business, if you’re not innovating, you’re dying. And if you’re dead, well… hope you like overpriced paper Ferraris.

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