Lions in Business: The Power of Entrepreneurial Courage

by Jeremy Tang

More Lions, Less Lambs

Last week, I witnessed something powerful. My brother-in-law launched his innovative dining concept in Sydney’s CBD – Yum Cha Project. The hustle, the obstacles, the sleepless nights – I saw it all. And on opening day? Pure electricity.

In Chinese culture, new businesses are often kicked off with a lion dance. Two dancers, one costume, drums pounding, cymbals crashing. It’s not just noise – it’s a ritual to banish negativity and usher in prosperity.

But here’s what really hit me:

This dance celebrates the most crucial moment in an entrepreneur’s journey – the start. It’s when you’re most exposed, most vulnerable. You’ve sacrificed everything with a high probability of failure. That level of conviction? It deserves recognition, regardless of the outcome.

Think about it:

You’re all in
The odds are stacked against you
But you leap anyway

That’s true human spirit.

Sadly, Western culture lacks this type of recognition. (Maybe that’s why Elon Musk pitched the “business shower” concept.)

As someone who’s launched 7 businesses (2 of which ended up spectacular failures), I know the doubt, the pessimism and the challenges that constantly try to crush you.

But here’s the truth: Every business starts with an uncertain leap forward.

So, to all the entrepreneurs out there:

Your “lion dance” might not have drums and cymbals, but your courage deserves celebration.

Keep pushing. Keep innovating. And most importantly, keep starting.

If you need support, drop me a line. I’m happy to help, just as many have generously done for me. Let’s chat, and if you’re in town I’ll buy you some of the best dim sum in Sydney.

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