Prioritizing the Journey: Valuable Life Lessons from Sand Art

by Jeremy Tang

And so castles made of sand . . .

Tottori, a couple of hours northwest of Osaka, is known for its sand dunes and The Sand Museum. Unlike traditional museums that showcase timeless treasures, this one celebrates the fleeting beauty of sand art.

Each year, for about six months, they showcase sculptures based on an international theme—this year, it was France, in honour of the Paris Olympics.

The intricate sculpture I stand before depicts the 100 Years’ War between England and France. After months of creation, these masterpieces are destroyed, leaving the sand for next year’s exhibit.

It’s a powerful lesson in detachment in 3 key areas:

  1. Impermanence: The demolition of these sculptures reminds us that nothing lasts forever. Clinging leads to suffering.
  2. Letting Go: Letting go of something intricate and time-consuming teaches us to release attachments. Don’t hold too tightly.
  3. Focus on the Process: The real value lies in creation, not the end product. Prioritize the journey over the destination.

People often obsess over targets and achievements, overlooking the actions needed to get there. We can’t control outcomes, but we can control our actions.

In the work I do as an adviser and investor, I focus a lot of my time helping people realize that 50% of their energy is literally wasted on things they have no control over. By eliminating these distractions, they can effectively double their effectiveness and happiness.

Focus on the process, cut out distractions, and control what you can. Have fun because as Jimi Hendrix says “Everything melts into the sea eventually”.

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