Transforming E-commerce Interaction: Rise of Live Chat Services

by Jeremy Tang

Traffic is Online, Money is Offline.

Let’s talk numbers. In-store conversion rates are a cozy 20-40%. Online? A paltry 2-4%. It’s like comparing a Michelin-star restaurant to a vending machine. I’ve seen these stats with our omni-channel retail clients, so it’s not about what you’re selling—it’s how you’re selling it.

Picture the internet as a massive shopping mall. Now, imagine every store is self-service, like a supermarket checkout. How special does that feel? Spoiler: It doesn’t. In a world where retailers are getting hit by a Temu freight train, it’s not just about the product—it’s about the experience.

Think Apple Stores. They’re not just selling gadgets; they’re selling an experience, with staff who actually approach and talk to you. Revolutionary, right? It’s not that you can’t find the products yourself, but the engagement makes it memorable.

Now, I’m not saying every e-commerce site needs a physical store. But there’s a middle ground: live chat. Not those soulless chatbots. I’ve stayed at hotels with robot attendants. It’s like being served by a toaster. Our extensive tests show that for items over $300, a properly trained human live chat team outperforms chatbots. Why? Because selling is emotional, and a chatbot has about as much emotional range as a neglected brick.

Here’s what a difference it can make. Our expert live chat sales team helped an online retailer with an average product value of $350 proactively engage site visitors 24/7, capturing their details for follow up by a telephone sales team. Result? A 34% revenue increase in three months! Why? Because over the phone conversion rates are 20-40% (with higher average order values), and even visitors who choose not to submit their details through live chat still convert 30% higher online than those who don’t.

For those in services and B2B the stats are equally compelling: on average 5-10% of site visitors will chat, 20-43% of those will become leads, and these leads convert as much as 57% higher than form submissions.

Do you want your business to be less supermarket more Apple Store?

Message me if you’d like to learn how.

Thanks for reading this far. When I’m not sharing lessons in business and life my team and I are helping businesses grow faster with less effort.

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