This Matrix Will Help You Find Corporate SEO Experts Who Won’t Waste Your Time

by Jeremy Tang

Corporate SEO experts must be well-versed in advanced strategies, tools, and industry-specific techniques to handle the complexities of large organizations. Use our handy decision matrix to evaluate SEO partners and find the best team for the job.

Table Of Contents:

When it comes to corporate SEO, sticking to the basics won’t cut it.

What is corporate SEO?

In essence, corporate SEO is a scaled-up version of normal SEO that’s all about catering to the complexity and size of large organizations.


This type of SEO necessitates the use of bigger, more sophisticated techniques to make sure that every aspect of a big business works together across different digital channels. The process could even involve things like optimizing multiple websites or brands under one company umbrella to boost their visibility in search results. 


Corporate SEO requires a distinct approach compared to small business SEO.

Have you ever tried out basic SEO strategies for your large business and been disappointed by lackluster results?


This is because the needs of your corporation are simply too vast for basic strategies to handle.


Larger organizations often manage extensive product lines and multiple locations, requiring a more intricate SEO strategy crafted by an expert SEO consultant. Unlike small businesses, which can zero in on localized and niche markets, corporations must address a wider audience and a highly competitive landscape. 


This involves leveraging intricate tactics and ample resources to ensure broader reach and effectiveness. Things like implementing advanced analytics, applying technical SEO methods, and rolling out comprehensive content strategies are crucial here.


Investing in technology is also a major factor, and many businesses are going all in on it. The market for global corporate SEO software solutions is projected to grow massively from 2024 to 2032, with a projected compound annual growth rate of 18.5% (Source: Medium).


Not all SEO companies have what it takes to address the needs of large corporations.


The fact of the matter is that not every SEO company is equipped to handle the needs of big corporations. 


A lot of agencies stick to standard strategies that might work for smaller businesses, but larger enterprises need way more than that. They require a tailored approach with detailed reporting, advanced technical know-how, and careful strategic planning that not all firms can deliver. 


That’s why choosing an SEO company with a track record of managing enterprise-level SEO is non-negotiable. Without that, you will not be ready to tackle the unique challenges corporate SEO brings.


How to identify corporate SEO experts who deliver real results.

Use this decision matrix when evaluating your prospects.

Don’t know what to look for in a top enterprise SEO agency? You’re not alone. If you have a long list of potential SEO partners lined up, it can be tricky to separate the wheat from the chaff. 


That’s why we’ve come up with this handy decision matrix, which makes it a breeze to check if a company has what it takes to handle SEO for your corporation. It also gives you a clear picture of how each of your prospects stack up against each other. Here’s how it works:


  • Evaluate sub-criteria: Check ✔️ or ❌ for each sub-criterion to indicate whether the company meets it.
  • Rate each company: Assign a rating from 0 to 5 based on the number of checks they get for each column.
  • Sum up scores: Calculate the total score for each company by adding up the ratings. This makes it easier to see which companies stand out overall. 
  • Choose the best: Finally, compare the total scores for all the companies you’ve evaluated. The company with the highest total score will be the most suitable SEO expert for your corporate needs.

1. Proven track record in complex, large-scale SEO

Sub-Criteria Company A Company B Company C Company D
Has successfully managed large SEO projects ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Case studies available for review ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Demonstrated ROI improvement in previous campaigns ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Experience with multinational and diverse markets ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Expertise in stakeholder optimization within organizational culture to ensure efficient coordination of SEO efforts ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Rating (0 to 5) 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5


2. Niche-specific expertise

Sub-Criteria Company A Company B Company C Company D
Experience in relevant industry niches ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Customized strategies for niche markets ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Able to comply with niche-specific regulations ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Expertise in local SEO and international SEO ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Advanced keyword optimisation and targeting ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Rating (0 to 5) 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5


3. Data-driven strategy adjustments

Sub-Criteria Company A Company B Company C Company D
Regular data analysis and reporting ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Agile adjustments based on data trends ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Ability to provide predictive analytics insights ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Transparent communication of data insights to clients ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Continuous competitor analysis and benchmarking ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Rating (0 to 5) 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5


4. Advanced SEO tools and technology

Sub-Criteria Company A Company B Company C Company D
Advanced content delivery methodology for large-scale content deployment ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
In-house technology for SEO automation ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Integration with advanced analytics platforms ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Use of AI and machine learning for SEO insights ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Utilizes automation and self-optimizing technology ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌ ✔️ or ❌
Rating (0 to 5) 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5
Total score

You can download this comparison table here


Common advice from corporate SEO experts (and our take)

Common advice #1: Start with easy, free online resources for optimization techniques.

Sure, free online tools are a great way to get your feet wet, especially if you’re new to SEO. 


But when it comes to corporate-level SEO, these resources often don’t cut it. They’re fine for basic optimization, but they fall short when you’re dealing with the complexity of managing multiple locations, extensive product lines, or trying to scale your efforts. Big companies need data-driven, scalable strategies that surpass what free tools can offer. 


Here’s our take. They’re fine for what they’re designed for: small-scale efforts. However, relying solely on them for bigger things can actually hold back your growth in the long run.


Common advice #2: Use beginner-friendly resources like YouTube to learn SEO basics.

YouTube tutorials are perfect for beginners. But for advanced corporate strategies? Not so much.


Enterprise SEO demands sophisticated, large-scale tactics that go beyond foundational learning. To remain competitive in intricate markets, you need strategies designed for high-impact outcomes—something beginner resources can’t provide.


Think about it. If it only takes a Youtube tutorial to steamroll the competition and improve sales, no one would be spending so much time, money, and effort on their SEO strategies. 


Opt for a corporate SEO agency that offers expertise that goes beyond basic tutorials.


Common advice #3: Prioritize technical SEO, especially for improving Core Web Vitals.

Don’t get me wrong, technical SEO is still hugely important. But it’s not the be-all, end-all for ranking higher.


Focusing too much on metrics like Core Web Vitals can make you lose sight of what truly drives results: quality content. In fact, Google’s algorithm still treats the consistent publication of good content as its top ranking factor.


It is explicitly stated by Google that content is part of Google’s ranking system.

And again

So, to summarize, technical SEO is definitely essential. But content remains the true needle-mover in SEO.


Common advice #4: Use SEO tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to learn advanced strategies

SEO tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush are awesome. They can help you dig into advanced strategies and get a better understanding of how to move your SEO strategy. 


But here’s the thing: they aren’t the whole solution. These tools are great for insights, but they won’t give you a fully tailored, step-by-step plan that fits your website’s specific needs. 


Every site is unique, and those tools, as advanced as they are, don’t know how to prioritize. Different things matter to different websites, and while getting a comprehensive list of issues is great, how do you know which ones will make the biggest difference?


Read this guide where we reveal the SEO audit strategies that actually work.


That’s why, when you’re looking for an SEO company in Australia and beyond, look for those who don’t just rely on these tools. Look for agencies that strive to align with your business goals to give you that extra edge over competitors.


Watch out for these red flags when choosing a corporate SEO partner.

They’re rushing to get started.

Be cautious of agencies that rush to get started without a thorough understanding of your business needs.


An SEO partner that leaps into action without really digging into your business and understanding your needs will probably miss the mark on strategic planning. 


Rushing often means they haven’t done their homework, and their methods may lead to quick fixes but fall short of long-term growth. What does this look like? They choose irrelevant keywords that fail to attract your target audience. 


SEO isn’t one-size-fits-all, so they should be taking the time to research your industry and customize a strategy that fits your goals. If they’re moving too fast, it could mean they’re missing that deeper strategic thinking.


They have suspiciously low pricing.

Exercise caution with partners who focus solely on being the low-price leader.


Low prices might seem appealing, but they often hide a lack of real expertise. Agencies that focus on being the budget-friendly choice may rely on cookie-cutter approaches that won’t fit your specific business needs. 


Going cheap often means corners get cut, and that can lead to poor results—costing you more in missed opportunities or even having to redo things later. In the end, those “cheap” solutions can turn into expensive problems.


And don’t get me started on SEO companies that promise the world all for a ridiculously low price. Just remember that old adage: “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”


They have a set-and-forget mentality.

Be careful if your SEO partner seems to have a “set it and forget it” mindset. SEO isn’t a one-time fix—it’s a constantly changing game that needs ongoing effort to keep up with search engine updates and market trends. 


The search engine results page (SERP) rankings can also experience severe volatility as a result of the ever-changing algorithms, as well as the efforts of your competitors.


Take a look at the rankings shifts for this website over just a period of 30 days. You’ll need a seasoned pro by your side if you want to brave those waves and come out unscathed by the end of it.

Source: rockcontent


If an agency isn’t actively monitoring and tweaking your strategy, they’re not really in it for your long-term success. Good SEO takes regular adjustments, fresh content, and smart shifts to keep your rankings moving up. 


Sticking with a lazy, hands-off approach? That’s a surefire way for your growth to hit a wall.


Industry-specific SEO strategies are crucial for large corporations.

Tailored strategies enhance reach and authority in your niche.

For big corporations, having customized SEO strategies is a game-changer when it comes to connecting with the right audience and boosting credibility. 


When you tailor your SEO approach, you can hone in on your target market, making sure your content and keywords match exactly what they’re searching for. 


For example, if your target market is eco-conscious consumers, using words like “sustainable,” “eco-friendly,” or “green technology” can attract this demographic more effectively.


This not only helps you reach the right people but also positions your company as a leader in your industry.


The legal industry requires careful compliance.

In high-regulation industries like law, SEO best practices will tell you to stay compliant with all the rules and avoid any legal issues. 


SEO for big law firms is especially tricky because there are strict guidelines around content and advertising practices. It’s not enough for legal content to be helpful or informative—it also has to follow specific regional and industry laws. 


Ignoring these rules can lead to serious legal consequences, so it’s important to make sure every piece of content is crafted carefully, meeting all the necessary standards while still being useful for potential clients.


The YMYL industry should focus on trust and expertise.

For the YMYL sectors such as finance and healthcare, SEO needs to be all about trust and expertise—there’s no way around it.


In the US alone, 75% (Source: WebFX) of people rely on the Internet as their first source of health information. Meanwhile, in the UK, 59% (Source: Lenstore) of people turn to Google first to seek advice on their symptoms before even seeing a medical professional.

Source: LenstoreWith patients relying so much on the Internet for their healthcare information, organizations have to use SEO tactics that highlight their credibility. This means content should be created or reviewed by qualified professionals and backed up with references from trusted sources.   

According to US Google Trends, “near me” searches related to healthcare have doubled from 2015 to 2017 alone.

Source: Think with Google


There’s definitely a demand for healthcare providers that searchers can find within their communities, and local SEO helps you take advantage of that. Through effective local corporate SEO, you can make sure patients can easily find and access your services—the services they need.


Finance content strategies must meet compliance standards while offering value to users.

A significant portion of finance customers from various fields who end up converting start the process with a search query.

Source: Invoca

This makes it all the more important for financial institutions to make sure that they’re putting out trustworthy content online.

The SEO strategies that these businesses employ must find the right balance between following regulations and providing helpful, educational content. Think investment strategies, market analysis, and financial planning tips that are not only informative but also compliant with industry standards. Accuracy and trust are key to keeping your credibility intact.

With large-scale SEO strategies, there are some important things to keep in mind.

The key components of a successful corporate SEO strategy

A solid corporate SEO strategy focuses on three main things: 

  • Keyword research: Don’t just go for the popular terms in your industry. Find keywords that cover multiple product lines and audiences. For example, in healthcare, you could go for terms like “elderly care solutions,” “healthcare technology,” and “chronic disease management.”
  • Content creation: Use your chosen keywords as a guide to create high-quality content that speaks to the various audience segments that you’re targeting. Make sure to offer them solutions to their queries; for instance, a software company could put out an engaging showcase article for their product that shows off what makes it worth buying.
  • Technical improvements: Your website is the backbone of your digital marketing efforts, so make sure it works seamlessly. Apply technical SEO fixes like boosting site speed and making it mobile-friendly. You may also want to use a content management system (CMS), like BigCommerce, to make sure most of the technical stuff is sorted out.

Data and analytics drive effective corporate SEO decisions. 

Here’s a surprising number for you. About 87% of all marketers say that data is their company’s most under-utilized asset (Source: Invesp).

Source: Invesp


This is great news—if you’re part of the remaining 13%, that is.


Data and analytics are the driving force behind any corporate SEO strategy, giving companies the insights they need to make smarter decisions. And, with so many marketers failing to use this data properly, it can be the one thing you need to gain a serious competitive advantage.


With SEO analytics tools, you can track things like user behavior, traffic sources, and how content is performing. This information helps you figure out what’s working and what needs to change.  Furthermore, tracking KPIs like keyword rankings and conversion rates gives a clear picture of how well the strategy is doing over time. 


With these insights, companies can tweak their SEO tactics to get better results. Don’t ignore data in your decision-making, and your SEO efforts will remain focused and effective.


Essential tools and technologies for managing large-scale SEO operations

Managing large-scale SEO for big websites can feel like a juggling act, but with the right tools and tech, you can keep everything running smoothly. 


  • CMS platforms like WordPress are great because they come with built-in SEO features. A WordPress SEO agency knows that customizing URLs, editing meta tag and adding schema markup all help make optimization straightforward. 
  • Area Ten takes things in a different direction with our proprietary programmatic SEO technology. Instead of relying on a traditional CMS setup, CMAX uses asynchronous JavaScript to keep the site running fast, which is crucial for both SEO and user experience. It’s designed to update content in real time based on ongoing data analysis, so your site stays relevant and competitive without sacrificing site speed or Google indexing.
  • Data Automation tools like Google Data Studio and Supermetrics can really help you keep on top of SEO reporting. They pull data from various sources and present everything in one easy-to-read dashboard, so you can quickly spot any issues and adjust your strategy as needed. Google Analytics is also a must for tracking how your site’s performing. It lets you monitor user behavior, conversion rates, and even which pages are doing the best. This kind of data is fantastic for figuring out how visitors are interacting with your site and what adjustments you might need to make.


With the right mix of these tools, managing SEO at scale becomes way more efficient and effective.


Stay ahead with emerging trends in corporate SEO.

The shift towards first-party data has big implications.

As privacy rules tighten and third-party cookies start disappearing, things are changing fast. 

This is where first-party data—information that companies collect directly from their customers—comes in and takes the spotlight. Using this data gives businesses better insights into what their customers really want, helping them fine-tune their marketing efforts. 

And guess what? This is a sentiment that the vast majority of top marketers have shared for years.

Source: Think with Google

Apart from enabling more effective targeting in your corporate digital marketing strategy, using first-party data also builds trust because customers know the brands are respecting their privacy. In the end, relying on first-party data is going to be key for earning consumer trust and keeping marketing sharp in the future.

Emerging technologies are reshaping corporate SEO strategies in big ways.

AI, machine learning, and voice search are rapidly changing everything about SEO as we know it. 

With AI and machine learning, we can now analyze massive amounts of data and spot trends to optimize content way faster and smarter than ever before. Content marketers are also taking more advantage of AI, with sizable increases in its adoption compared to last year.

Source: siegemedia

What you’ve learned

  • Corporate SEO requires advanced strategies beyond basic SEO tactics used for small businesses, focusing on large-scale operations, multiple locations, and broad audiences.
  • Identifying the right SEO partner for large corporations involves looking for a proven track record, niche-specific expertise, and data-driven strategy adjustments. Use our decision matrix to evaluate prospects, and you can’t go wrong.
  • Corporate SEO experts should use sophisticated tools and technologies, including AI, machine learning, automation, and advanced analytics, to optimize large-scale SEO efforts.
  • Custom SEO strategies tailored to industry specifics (e.g., law, finance, healthcare) are crucial, especially in highly regulated sectors where compliance is mandatory.
  • Content quality trumps technical SEO for Google’s ranking factors, so it’s important to create valuable, relevant content alongside technical improvements.
  • SEO tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush are helpful, but large corporations need customized strategies that go beyond what these tools offer.
  • Red flags in selecting SEO agencies include rushing into projects, low pricing, lack of transparency, and a “set-it-and-forget-it” mentality.
  • Emerging trends like first-party data, AI, machine learning, and voice search are reshaping corporate SEO strategies, making it essential to stay ahead of the curve.


Take the next step with the right SEO expert

We offer unmatched speed and scalability in your SEO efforts.

Thanks to our proprietary technology and expertise, Area Ten can ensure your SEO initiatives keep pace with your business growth and market demands. 

  • If fast progress is what you’re aiming for, we’re the company for the job. Area Ten delivers results 4x faster than other SEO companies, meaning you’ll be way ahead of your competitors long before they even start trying to figure things out.
  • We excel in SEO scalability as well. In fact, our scalable solutions produce 10x the impact of traditional methods, allowing you to see unprecedented gains in your online visibility and authority.
  • Once you’ve seen the fruits of our labor, we don’t stop. Area Ten uses data-driven insights to guide our strategies, ensuring that we produce sustained growth.

With 100% solutions and 0% excuses, we’re here to take you to the top and make sure you stay there. Ready to get started? 

Book a FREE SEO Fast Track today.

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