Discovering the Wealth in Digital Asset Trading: My Experience with Flippa

by Jeremy Tang

Better than half-eaten French toast

Attended a in-person event last week. For the uninitiated, it’s like eBay for digital assets. Only instead of bidding on Justin Timberlake’s half-eaten French toast (which actually sold for $1,025), you’re buying someone’s digital business.

A panel of three speakers shared their experiences with the platform:

An agency owner who sold his business
A serial entrepreneur who’s bought and sold 13 businesses
A recipe blogger who recently cashed out

What caught my attention was when Flippa shared average profit multiples:

? E-commerce sites: 2x profit
? Amazon FBA and Affiliate websites: 1.62x profit
? Content sites: 2.92x profit
? SaaS: 3.36x profit
? Services: 1.85x profit

To understand what this means a content site selling at 2.92x profit means you could potentially recoup your investment in just 3 years.

But here’s the catch – it’s not passive. You need to know what you’re doing.

Now, let me share something even more intriguing.

Browsing through the Flippa listings has become my new obsession. It’s a window into the long tail of the internet, revealing opportunities in the most obscure corners.

For instance:
?A 15-year-old website listing police radio codes, making USD$317 a month.
⌨️ A SaaS from Finland, raking in USD$7.6K monthly with online typing assessment tools for recruiters.

There are plenty of much larger ones.

Each listing tells a story of innovation, persistence, and sometimes, sheer randomness.

It will also teach you to never underestimate the scale and breadth of opportunities in the corners of the internet (aka the long tail).

What’s the most interesting online business you’ve come across?

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